Nonprofit Resource Fair

Join us for a lively gathering dedicated to connecting our community with local nonprofits! Discover resources, services, and volunteer opportunities that support Southern Colorado.

This event is free for all ages! Come enjoy refreshments, music, prizes and giveaways.

Hosted by PPLD, SOCO Senior Resource Center
Event Date: Friday, October 25th, 2024

Event Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Event Location:
Library 21C
1175 Chapel Hills Dr
Colorado Springs CO 80920


SOCO nonprofit fair flyer Cover

Select one of the following below to purchase a sponsorship:

Gold Sponsorship - $1,000
  • Double Table space in preferred location
  • Logo on all promotional materials
  • Prominent Signage at event
  • Recognition in opening and closing remarks
  • Live Interview and posts on social media
  • Full-page ad in the Nonprofit print directory
  • Online Directory Listing
Silver Sponsorship - $700
  • Preferred Table location
  • Logo on promotional materials
  • Prominent Signage at event
  • Recognition in opening and closing remarks
  • Live Interview and posts on social media
  • Half-page ad in the nonprofit print directory
  • Online Directory Listing
Bronze Sponsorship - $500
  • Sponsor Table
  • Logo on promotional materials
  • Recognition in opening and closing remarks
  • Live Interview and posts on social media
  • Quarter-page ad in the nonprofit print directory
  • Online Directory Listing
Community Sponsorship - $225
  • Sponsor Table
  • Logo on select promotional materials
  • Social media posts
  • Logo in the event program
  • Online Directory Listing
Community Sponsorship - $95
  • Sponsor Table

For More Info on Sponsorship Contact:
Anne Jensen
Sponsorship Coordinator
SOCO Nonprofit Fair
phone: 719-321-1971